J-PARC Particle and Nuclear Physics Seminar

(J-PARC 素粒子原子核セミナー)

DATE: Jun. 6, 2019. 15:00-16:00

   Meeting Room on 2nd floor, J-PARC Research. Bldg., Tokai-campus

TITLE: The ESS neutrino Super Beam Design Study


SPEAKER: Prof. Tord Ekelöf (Uppsala Univ.)


CONTACT: S. Mihara, O. Morimatsu, K. Aoki (j-parc-pn-seminar-(AT)-ml.post.kek.jp)


A Design Study is being performed of using the 5 MW the European Spallation Source proton linac, currently under construction in Lund in Sweden, to create a very intense neutrino Super Beam and detect the neutrinos using a Megaton Water Cherenkov detector located at the second neutrino oscillation maximum. The status and future plans of the project will be described and the performance for CP violation discovery and measurement will be presented.